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Kali ini saya nak tunjukkan pada anda semua ,antara salah satu hobi saya ialah KUMPUL BARANG.Tidak kira samada barang tu lama atau baru atau dah rosak samada terjumpa,atau dibuang orang,atau diberi hadiah . kalau saya tengok cantik je saya simpan, biasanya barang yang ada sentimental value,atau pun pelik sikit. Untuk hari ini saya nak tunjuk koleksi pen saya..
Ancient Indians were the first to use the pen. According to ancient text the earliest of pens made in India used bird feathers, bamboo sticks etc. The old literature of Puranas, Ramayana and Mahabharta used this kind of pen roughly 500 BC.[citation needed] Ancient Egyptians had developed writing on papyrus scrolls when scribes used thin reed brushes or reed pens from the Juncus Maritimus or sea rush.
[2] In his book A History of Writing, Steven Roger Fischer suggests that on the basis of finds at Saqqara, the reed pen might well have been used for writing on parchment as long ago as the First Dynasty or about 3000 BC. Reed pens continued to be used until the Middle Ages although they were slowly replaced by quills from about the 7th century. The reed pen, generally made from bamboo, is still used in some parts of Pakistan by young students and is used to write on small boards made of timber.[citation needed]
The Quill pen was used in Qumran, Judea to write some of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which date back to around 100 BC. The scrolls were written in Hebrew dialects with bird feathers or quills. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Europeans had difficulty in obtaining reeds[citation needed] and began to use quills. There is a specific reference to quills in the writings of St. Isidore of Seville in the 7th century.[3] Quill pens were still widely used in the 18th century, and were used to write and sign the Constitution of the United States of America in 1787.
A copper nib was found in the ruins of Pompei showing that metal nibs were used in the year 79.[4] There is also a reference in Samuel Pepys' diary for August 1663. A metal pen point was patented in 1803 but the patent was not commercially exploited. John Mitchell of Birmingham started to mass produce pens with metal nibs in 1822,[5] and thereafter the quality of steel nibs had improved enough that dip pens with metal nibs came into generalized use.
M. Klein and Henry W. Wynne received US patent #68445 in 1867 for an ink chamber and delivery system in the handle of the fountain pen.The earliest historical record of a pen employing a reservoir dates back to the 10th century. In 953, Ma'ād al-Mu'izz, the Fatimid Caliph of Egypt, demanded a pen which would not stain his hands or clothes, and was provided with a pen which held ink in a reservoir and delivered it to the nib.[6] This pen may have been a fountain pen, but its mechanism remains unknown, and only one record mentioning it has been found.
A later reservoir pen was developed in 1636. In his Deliciae Physico-Mathematicae (1636), German inventor Daniel Schwenter described a pen made from two quills. One quill served as a reservoir for ink inside the other quill. The ink was sealed inside the quill with cork. Ink was squeezed through a small hole to the writing point. In 1809, Bartholomew Folsch received a patent in England for a pen with an ink reservoir.[7]
While a student in Paris, Romanian Petrache Poenaru invented the fountain pen, which the French Government patented in May 1827. Fountain pen patents and production then increased in the 1850s, especially steel pens produced by John Mitchell.
Waterman pen and fountain pens made for Air France’s ConcordeThe first patent on a ballpoint pen was issued on October 30, 1888, to John J Loud.[8] In 1938, László Bíró, a Hungarian newspaper editor, with the help of his brother George, a chemist, began to work on designing new types of pens including one with a tiny ball in its tip that was free to turn in a socket. As the pen moved along the paper, the ball rotated, picking up ink from the ink cartridge and leaving it on the paper. Bíró filed a British patent on June 15, 1938. In 1940 the Bíró brothers and a friend, Juan Jorge Meyne, moved to Argentina fleeing Nazi Germany and on June 10, filed another patent, and formed Bíró Pens of Argentina. By the summer of 1943 the first commercial models were available.[9] Erasable ballpoint pens were introduced by Papermate in 1979 when the Erasermate was put on the market.[10]
Modern marker pensSlavoljub Eduard Penkala, a naturalized Croatian engineer and inventor of Polish-Dutch ethnicity from the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia in Austria-Hungary, became renowned for further development of the mechanical pencil (1906) – then called an "automatic pencil" – and the first solid-ink fountain pen (1907). Collaborating with an entrepreneur by the name of Edmund Moster, he started the Penkala-Moster Company and built a pen-and-pencil factory that was one of the biggest in the world at the time. This company, now called TOZ-Penkala, still exists today. "TOZ" stands for "Tvornica olovaka Zagreb", meaning "Zagreb Pencil Factory".
In the 1960s, the fibre or felt-tipped pen was invented by Yukio Horie of the Tokyo Stationery Company, Japan.[11] Papermate's Flair was among the first felt-tip pens to hit the U.S. market in the 1960s, and it has been the leader ever since. Marker pens and highlighters, both similar to felt pens have become popular in recent years.
Rollerball pens were introduced in the early 1980s. They make use of a mobile ball and liquid ink to produce a smoother line. Technological advances achieved during the late 1980s and early 1990s have improved the roller ball's overall performance. A porous point pen contains a point that is made of some porous material such as felt or ceramic. A high quality drafting pen will usually have a ceramic tip, since this wears well and does not broaden when pressure is applied while writing.
PEN ORI TAU BUKAN COKIYA PUNYA. 3 set pen sheaffer ni mencecah harga rm 500.
1.Pen Sheaffer USA.

2.Pen Sheaffer USA

3.Pen Sheaffer USA

info mengenai sheaffer di petik dari wikipedia
"Sheaffer is a brand of pens owned by the BIC Corporation.
Sheaffer is a pen company that manufactures writing instruments including ballpoint, fountain and rollerball pens and mechanical pencils. Sheaffer is famous for making fountain pens, especially the “school” lineup. They also produce calligraphy sets as well as other types of writing instruments. Sheaffer's trademark is a white dot. Sheaffer's fountain pen ink is called “Sheaffer Skrip”.
Many of Sheaffer's pen range are characterized by the classic Sheaffer inlaid nib. Sheaffer has developed several different filler systems for their fountain pen, such as the Touchdown Filler (introduced in 1949), and, in 1952, the Snorkel extending filler tube, both of which allow for bottled ink to be used without dismantling the pen.
The company was founded by Walter A. Sheaffer, who designed (in 1907) and patented (in August 1908) a pen filling apparatus that used levers. In 1912, Sheaffer used his life savings to start the Sheaffer company, which started with seven employees and operated in the back of a Fort Madison, IA jewelry store. On January 1, 1913, the W. A. Sheaffer Pen Company was incorporated with an initial investment of $35,000.
In 1922, the company introduced its own line of bottled inks, for use with its fountain pens. Called Sheaffer Skrip ink, it was intended to flow more smoothly and blend more easily than other formulations of ink. In 1924 Sheaffer produced jade green pens made of a material Sheaffer called Radite. Prior to that time most fountain pens were black hard rubber. The introduction of colored pens proved popular and by 1925 Sheaffer had captured 25 percent of the U.S. pen market. Sheaffer maintained this market share throughout the years of the Great Depression. The Sheaffer White Dot trademark first appeared in 1924 on the Jade Radite and Black Radite flat-top fountain pen.
In 1938, Sheaffer introduced the Crest, the world's first pen with a plastic body and a fitted metal cap (first introduced in 1937 but not under the name Crest). Other well-known models include the Balance, the PFM, the Sheaffer Targa branded as the Targa by Sheaffer, the TRZ, the Connoisseur, the Prelude, the Javelin, the Snorkel, the Touchdown, and the Nostalgia"
4.yg ini bukan pen sheaffer, tapi somebody jugak la...

5.Pen ini mungkin murah tapi unik sebab tertulis "KAMI LIHAT DUNIA DARI MATA BURUNG" ..gambar sikit blur sebab saya lihat tak pakai cermin mata.

6.Pen ni berat sikit jenis CRIXIVAN-indivanir sulfate

sedikit info tentang CRIXIVAN.
"Indinavir (IDV; trade name Crixivan, manufactured by Merck) is a protease inhibitor used as a component of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) to treat HIV infection and AIDS."
The Web site for CRIXIVAN® is no longer available.

7.pen ni jumpa dalam longkang takda air depan bgn MCA jln ampang.
tak ingat tahun bila...

8.Pen ni tertulis perkataan "GOD BLESS YOU" -Allah merahmati kamu

9.pen ni Vendor TM bagi sewaktu buat demo....

10.actually yg ini bukan pen tapi pencil jenis tekan kualiti tinggi

11.pen yg ini ada lambang sepasang love..mungkin nak bagi buah hati kot..jumpa atas rumput tepi jalan ..tak ingat dimana.

12.waktu sekolah dulu ,pen jenis ini memang popular...kena bawak spare ink sebotol,apabila nasib tak baik botol pecah..habis beg dan seluar kena ink...

kalau nak sain aggrement ,selalu pakai pen jenis ini

13.pen ni jumpa dalam kotak sampah kat ofis...

www.liteonit.comm- syarikat buat dvd laaa..

14.pujangga pernah berkata"MATA PENA LEBIH TAJAM DARI MATA PEDANG" apa maksud nya...

ada sebuah pantun mengenai pen yg selalu disebut masa zaman budak-budak dulu..

sebenarnya ada lagi pen yg saya simpan kat rumah tapi lupa letak kat mana?sebab tak ada album khusus untuk pen.Mungkin akan datang ada orang reka album pen pulak.
kebanyakan pen ini ada yang masih boleh digunakan dan ada juga yg kering dakwatnya..
ada yg disimpan sejak zaman sekolah, ada yg disimpan sejak mula kerja...
tapi sekarang orang merekod pakai komputer canggih.Mungkin suatu hari Pen akan tinggal sejarah yg akan disimpan dalam muzium....ada nya
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